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Processing deferred revenue


You can defer the revenue of sales invoices or credit notes that have been processed.

Menu path

Go to Invoice/To be processed/Deferred revenue and click Process.


A list of options appears if you click the Browse button in the Deferred revenue account box. From the list, select an option and click Select.

Deferred revenue account

Type or select the account to register the selected deferred revenue. This account is used to debit the selected revenue from the original date and transfer the revenue to a new date or date(s).

Number of periods

Specify the number of periods over which you want to defer the revenue. If you type 1, the selected revenue is transferred to the next period from the date specified in Date from. If you type 2 or other values, then the selected revenue is deferred over the specified number of periods.

Note: The period(s) that the revenue is deferred to depend(s) on the periods defined in the period-date table at System/General/Settings, under General settings in Period-date calendar.

% Revenue

Specify the percentage of the revenue to be deferred. The percentage of the revenue must be equal to or less than 100. If you type “100”, the entire revenue is transferred to the next period or to different periods.

Date from

Select the date of the first period which the revenue is to be deferred. If you defer the revenue, it will be posted to this date in its entirety. If you choose to defer over two or more periods, the revenue will be deferred to the selected period and the next period(s).

Note: The date selected is marked the first period over which the revenue is to be deferred. The actual posting date will always use the start date of this period specified in the period-date table at System/General/Settings, under General settings in Period-date calendar. For detailed instructions on how to customize period-date table, see Creating and maintaining period-date table.



Click this to begin the transferring process.

Click Continue to execute the transfer. If you do not want to continue, click Close to terminate the process and return to the Deferred revenue screen.


Click this to return to the Invoice/To be processed/Deferred revenue screen.

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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 16.787.583
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: